A sermon I heard Sunday put a bit of a different perspective on familiar truths. The perspective was not so radical that anyone could take issue with it, but it is, I believe, potentially life changing. I am convinced, that though many Christians believe salvation and "big" things we do for God are through His grace and power alone, we do not exercise that same belief in daily living and "Christian disciplines". Isn't it my responsibility to be disciplined enough to read and pray daily? Isn't it my responsibility to walk through the mundane things in my life in a Christ-like manner? No! ALL of life is by grace through faith. It is God who works in us BOTH to will and to do what He calls us to do. What did He call us to do? Follow Him. Follow Him to my Bible. Follow Him to His Throne of Grace. Follow Him to my kitchen, to work, to my laundry room, to my school books, to my "taxi" job, to the grocery store, to the dance studio, to my lawnmower, to the books I read, to the conversations I have, to my interactions with my family, to my ministries at church. That's it. It's that simple. Follow Him. The preacher said it like this, "Stop trying to be something and let God make you into what you can never be." Yes, I need those "Christian disciplines" in my life -- praying, reading my Bible, fasting, etc. But, I will fail miserably if I try to do them by my own will. I'll either fail by not following through with those good intentions and/or fail to experience the joy of God-empowered daily living. In place of joy will likely be disappointment -- in myself and/or in God because I did everything I was "supposed" to do but... The whole thing, all of life from salvation to eternity is by grace through faith. What beautiful freedom we have to enjoy life more abundantly! I'm responsible for only one thing -- Follow Christ.
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