Here is how my family blessed me today!
Judson: It started with the 1st grade mother's day tea Friday afternoon. They sang songs: "You Gave Me Your Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie", "My Mom, the Light of My LIfe", "Mother's are My

How cute is that?! Judson, thank you for blessing me with tons of hugs and kisses and expressions of your love. I love you so much, buddy! Keep using your loving heart to bless others! (tears...)
Mikiah: Mikiah put a lot of time and creativity into a cute and beautiful card with hearts and flowers and a picture of mother and daugthter on front with these words:
I bet I can think of words to describe you that start with every word of the alphabet…
Awesome, Beautiful, Christian, Diligent, Elegant, Funny, Gorgeous, Helping, Important, Just, Kind, Loving, Mommy, Nice, Outstanding, Patient, Queen, Radiant, Sweet, Touching, Unique, Virtuous, Wonderful, X…umm, Yawns, and Zesty!
Kiah, thank you so much! You bring so much joy into my life. Always, always, always use your creativity and compassion to bless those around you. (more tears...)
Josh: Josh bought me a dozen beautiful roses of varying colors and sang me this song he wrote especially for Mother's Day 2010:
She held her little baby boy tightly in her arms
Praying blessings over him, that God would seize his heart.
Little did she know the impact that her prayers would make.
The boy prays every day to thank God for his mom of faith.
And I am who I am today
Because your prayers have saved
And I praise the Lord every day
That I have a mom like you.
Several years later, her seeds began to grow.
This little boy of six asked her just how he could know
That he would spend eternity wrapped in God's loving arms.
Then mother prayed with son and led him to the Lord.
As this boy grew older, he began to dream.
At 14 he flew off to share the gospel of the King.
His mom encouraged him to follow the leading of the Lord.
So, with his mom behind him, he took up his Holy Sword.
Soon after this, sickness struck, the son's life fell apart.
As her little boy neared death, it began to break her heart.
But praise the Lord his mom still prayed.
Because of her, he's a live today.
Mom, I'm growing older, soon I'll be a man.
But I'll rmemeber everything that's made me who I am.
Your love for me, your care. Your words of wisdom, too.
I just hope someday that I might find a wife like you.
Josh, never ever ever stop writing your songs that make me cry (from joy, of course). I love you so much and pray you'll keep blessing others with the gifts God has blessed you. Thank you! (Even more tears...)
Jim: At my request, my wonderful husband grilled hamburgers. Yes, that's what I was craving! He made every last bit of lunch which was very, very yummy! He and the family cleaned up every bit of the mess. But, the most touching thing was the prayer he prayed before lunch. More, more, more tears. Next month we will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversay. God has greatly blessed us this year beyond my ability to express. This, beyond a doubt, is the beat year yet.
Honey, what can I say? I love you beyond expression. You are amazing and I love what God is doing in you and through you. I can't wait for the adventure of the next 25 years!
Thank you, most amazing family, for a very memorable day. Thank you, Most Amazing God, for a wonderful family.
Now for a nap. I'm exhausted from all that crying! :o)
She held her little baby boy tightly in her arms
Praying blessings over him, that God would seize his heart.

Little did she know the impact that her prayers would make.
The boy prays every day to thank God for his mom of faith.
And I am who I am today
Because your prayers have saved
And I praise the Lord every day
That I have a mom like you.
Several years later, her seeds began to grow.
This little boy of six asked her just how he could know
That he would spend eternity wrapped in God's loving arms.
Then mother prayed with son and led him to the Lord.
As this boy grew older, he began to dream.
At 14 he flew off to share the gospel of the King.
His mom encouraged him to follow the leading of the Lord.
So, with his mom behind him, he took up his Holy Sword.
Soon after this, sickness struck, the son's life fell apart.
As her little boy neared death, it began to break her heart.
But praise the Lord his mom still prayed.
Because of her, he's a live today.
Mom, I'm growing older, soon I'll be a man.
But I'll rmemeber everything that's made me who I am.
Your love for me, your care. Your words of wisdom, too.
I just hope someday that I might find a wife like you.
Josh, never ever ever stop writing your songs that make me cry (from joy, of course). I love you so much and pray you'll keep blessing others with the gifts God has blessed you. Thank you! (Even more tears...)
Jim: At my request, my wonderful husband grilled hamburgers. Yes, that's what I was craving! He made every last bit of lunch which was very, very yummy! He and the family cleaned up every bit of the mess. But, the most touching thing was the prayer he prayed before lunch. More, more, more tears. Next month we will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversay. God has greatly blessed us this year beyond my ability to express. This, beyond a doubt, is the beat year yet.
Honey, what can I say? I love you beyond expression. You are amazing and I love what God is doing in you and through you. I can't wait for the adventure of the next 25 years!
Thank you, most amazing family, for a very memorable day. Thank you, Most Amazing God, for a wonderful family.
Now for a nap. I'm exhausted from all that crying! :o)
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