Consider this verse in Mark 10, "Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein." Did you catch that? We MUST receive the kingdom of God as a child. We WILL NOT enter in otherwise. We don't often talk about the straight and narrow road or Jesus' teaching on that fact that few will enter in. Rarely do I hear teaching or preaching on receiving God's kingdom as a child. Often the focus of the teaching on this portion of the gospel is on our need to love and invest in our children. That is definitely important, but we tend to pass right over the fact that we are instructed very specifically by Jesus to accept God's kingdom as a child. One of the definitions of the word "child" in Strong's Online Bible is "metaphorically children in intellect". Of course, this is the only way an adult can do anything as a child. We cannot physically become a child. Does this mean we have "blind faith"? Absolutely not. Children do not blindly accept most things. If you have a child, you know that. You understand the thousands of "whys" that proceed out of the mouth of a child. What it does mean is that we approach God on the platform of belief, understanding He is Truth. It is from there we make our inquiries and seek to understand. It is in that stance, as a curious child whose understanding of life is incomplete, that we grow in our understanding of truth and our ability to grasp the concepts of faith. The Bible specifically says that God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. It specifically teaches that God doesn't think like we think. He does not work like we work. His ways are higher and better. When we seek Him with our man-made intellect, he does not make sense. If we continue to seek him in that fashion, we will eventually grow weary of this God and choose a wider path that will indeed lead to destruction. But, if we approach him as a child, marvelous things await. Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love him. Believe. You will be continually amazed!
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