Have you seen this on a Facebook post or another place?
How others see us. (picture)
How we see ourselves. (picture)
How we really are. (picture)
That is what I think of when I read this verse in John.
How others saw Peter's faith: Real.
How Peter saw his faith: Radical.
How Jesus saw his faith: Rising.
It is not surprising that Jesus' perspective proved to be accurate. His perspective of our faith is accurate, too. Just ask the rich young ruler (Mark 10). He wanted to be a follower of Jesus. Jesus wanted him to follow. Jesus loved him. The man had done everything he knew he was supposed to do to be good follower. Jesus congratulated him on that and then challenged him...give up your treasure for treasure in heaven.
As the young man walked away with bowed head and sagging shoulders, his unspoken words were probably, "But I thought...."
Perhaps you have heard or even said something like: "God did not ask me to check my brain at the door." It is true that God did not ask us to quit thinking, but God did ask us to quit thinking like the world and all that is in the world and to trust Him with every single area of our lives.
Following Jesus is more than doing right things. Following Jesus is more than not doing wrong things. Following Jesus is exclusive trust. What are you trusting...too?
*Talents/abilities?*Health/life insurance?
*Savings account/college fund?*Preventative or maintenance medicine?
These things our not necessarily wrong but do you find yourself thinking:
"There is nothing wrong with _______."
"God would not ask me to give that up."
"I would not be a good steward if I ______.""That is not logical!"
Perhaps those thoughts are accurate. Perhaps they are not. Have you asked Him, "What must I do"?
How do you see your faith? How does God see your faith?
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