Saturday, May 31, 2008

Little Lessons with Big Impacts

We are just days away from Josh leaving for China. Many people have asked me about being fearful for his safety. I cannot honestly say I am completely without fear, but amazingly, my fear level is pretty low. As I thought about this, I was reminded of an incident that happened when Josh was just a preschooler. We were coming out of the library with Josh on his little bike and me following close behind. We were headed down a sidewalk next to a fairly busy street. Before I realized what had happened, he had lost control, was headed off the sidewalk and directly toward the busy street, destined to land right in the path of oncoming traffic. Close as I was, I had not reacted quickly enough to stop him and watched in horror as this event was unfolding. Just before he reached the road, it was as though someone pushed his bike over, and he landed safely in the grass next to the curb. My heart was pounding, and I felt horrible that I had been unable to keep my small son from near disaster. At that moment, a small, but very distinct and memorable Voice whispered in my heart, "It is not you that keeps your son safe. It is I." This whole event was over in a matter of seconds, but the impact it left on my heart was long lasting. I will never forget it, and rest in the comfort that it IS God who keeps my children very capably, safely in His hands. I am responsible as a steward, but ultimately, He is their Protector and their Guide. I thank God for this lesson learned early in my motherhood -- and for the countless other he has taught me though these precious gifts, my children.

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