Thursday, May 1, 2008

Out of the Mouth of Fuzzy

When you need a laugh, try checking this blog from time to time as I am going to attempt to keep his quotes updated. So many quotes, so little time...

Referring to his brother going to China..."I'm going to China. I'm going to Oklahoma first, and then going to China..." (After a recent baseball trip to Tulsa.)
"Everybody is not keeping the counter clean. I clean it and everyone else doesn't." (Referring to his recent obsession with having everything in place in the bathroom and in his room. My reply? Welcome to my world!)
"I'm not sick, I just have a stomachache!"
"...and God, I like the Devil, I just don't like what he does." (Bedtime prayer)
Some time ago, we were in the car, and I was zoning out a bit as Judson was telling me his very lengthy version of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea on their way out Egypt. I perked up when I heard this line, though: "...and then God took a paper towel and dried up all the water -- a GREAT BIG paper towel!"

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