Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas 2008

We had our first wake-up call from Judson at 3:40 a.m.! In a whisper, "Mom, Santa came early, it's Christmas!" We instructed him it was not morning yet, please go back to bed. 4:00 a.m., "Mom, it's morning!" We called Mikiah down to our room (yes, she was also awake). We instructed them it was not morning until 6:00 a.m. Promptly at 6:00, "Mom, it's morning!" As much as I don't like to be awakened at 3:40 a.m., I just had to smile at remembering how excited I used to get when I was a kid. What fun! Well, needless to say, it was still dark outside when we opened presents. Thus, there are no pictures of Josh in this batch because his eyes are very light sensitive -- a flash in the eyes would have produced a less-than-joyous picture I'm afraid. We did have a very nice morning -- day, actually.

I have to share about my awesome coworkers. About 10:30 or so on Christmas morning, a co-worker's husband (also a friend of ours), came to the door with a bag of goodies. On first glance, we thought it was a bag of candy and other yummy items. We thanked him, visited for a while and said goodbye. Then, we opened the bag...our mouths were hanging open in wonder as we pulled gift after gift out of this little bag. My coworkers in St. Joseph Medical Center and St. Mary's Medical Center transcription department all pooled together and gave us numerous gift cards (Blockbuster, Pizza Hut, McDonald's, Applebee's, etc.), snacks, some cash, a massage for me and an I-tunes card for Josh. You know, when people ask us what they can to do help, I honestly don't know what to tell them. We really have no need -- simply a big desire for Josh to get well and life to get back to "normal". However, some of these wonderful ladies must have been down a similar road and known that though I cannot identify any real needs, this was a thoughtful, awesome gift that will give us some entertainment, relaxation, and the ability to eat out as that need arises from time to time. I've never had a massage, and honestly there has probably been no other time in my life that I would have looked forward to getting one like I am now!

Well, here's a few pics from Christmas morning...

Judson's Cookies for Santa. Ho, ho, ho! :o)

Adding to her pig collection...number 38 I believe.


Our tradition since the year we were really, really poor is to buy our Christmas tree two days before Christmas. We found out way back then you can get them really cheap. That year we got it for $5. This year, $15, but still a great deal for such a nice tree. Last year it was free -- we got a flat tire from a pothole in the parking lot so they gave us the tree and paid for the tire repair! Good deal, but I wouldn't recommend you try it!

He's just all that.

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