Sunday, April 13, 2008

Be Still

Ever seen a drowning person on TV? Hopefully you've never seen it in real life or, worse, been the drowning person! At any rate, most of us know what can easily happen when a rescuer comes on the scene. The drowning person is in a state of panic and very often will fight the rescue efforts. Unless they stop fighting, those rescue efforts may well be in vain.

Psalms 46:10 says, "Be still and know that I am God..."
Often I have heard this verse explained in the context of busyness. Certainly, that context is a valid one. However, "be still" means more than just slow down. It means to relax, abandon, let go -- quit fighting. Without a doubt, God is our Rescuer. How often do we find ourselves in situations that overwhelm us and make us feel as though we are drowning? How quickly we forget that our Rescuer is right beside us! Rather than relax and let Him do what He does so well, we start to kick and scream and panic, striking out at anything within our reach and grasping for anything to hold on to rather than clinging to our Rescuer. Oh, that we would learn to relax in the able arms of our Rescuer!

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