Friday, June 29, 2012

Devastating Division

Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

1) to have understanding, be wise
2) to feel, to think
3) to direct one’s mind to a thing, to seek, to strive for

Also translated as:
-mind, be minded, be of the same mind, be like minded

When we divide our affection between God and any other person/thing, the results are devastating.  Oh, how easily deceived we are in regard to affection!  There is much on my mind about this topic, but I don't think I can say it better than the following paragraphs from Watchman Nee's book, The Spiritual Man.
Yielding one's affection to the Lord may be viewed by the Christian to be a most difficult task, yet the Lord is concerned with one's affection more than with any other matter.  He demands him to present his affection wholly to Him and let Him lord over it.

How much the work of God has suffered because of our failure to let the Lord be the Lord of our affections. Many parents cling to their children for themselves and permit the kingdom of God to incur loss. Countless husbands or wives are unwilling to make sacrifice and thus the harvest is left ungathered. Numerous Christians are so attached to their friends that they sit back and let their brethren fight at the front alone. It is deplorable how many think they can love their dear ones and the Lord simultaneously, not comprehending that by loving these, they cannot love the Lord.

We cannot but stress the significance of our loving the Lord with our whole heart. Nothing satisfies His heart as does our love. The Lord looks not for our laboring for Him but for our loving him...God's children have never fully understood how their loved ones could hinder their spiritual growth. As we begin to have other loves besides a love for God, however, we do discover that He gradually loses significance for us.
Actually, only God can satisfy a Christians' heart; man cannot. The failure of many is to seek from man what can be found only in God. All human affection is empty...Does this indicate we need not love man? The Bible repeatedly charges us to love the brethren and even to love our enemies. Accordingly, we know it is not God's will we should not love man, but He does desire to manage our affection towards all men. God does not want us to love others for our sake but to love for His sake and in Him...This is the pathway of the cross. Only as we allow it to cut deeply so that we have our soul life delivered to death can we be rid of self in our affections. If we genuinely have undergone death we will not be attached to anyone but will be guided solely by the command of God...How contrary such a course seems to Christians, and yet how blessed it is to those who so experience it!

Be honest.  Do I love the Lord my God with all my heart?

Wth God all things are possible. 

Follow nothing. 

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