Jesus said unto her, “I that speak unto you am he.” (John 4:26)
John 4 details a story of Jesus revealing his identify to a Samaritan woman. If we are followers of Jesus, it is our job to reveal him to others so there are several observations we can make in this passage. From my perspective, “modern Christianity” viewed in light of the exchange between Jesus and this woman highlights a few of those observations:
• Jesus’ did not intentionally divide. After Jesus made some accurate statements about the chaotic state of her life, she realized he was a prophet. Her response was to immediately bring up divisive religious issues. Jesus was unwavering in his mission. He steered the conversation back to the real issue, her deep need. Though the issue of Jesus is definitely divisive in some cases, his intent was not division but completion. When I “bite” at the divisive issue bait, I am left hanging on empty line while others starve without the food that truly satisfies their soul’s deepest need. Am I more comfortable arguing issues than humbly bringing people to Jesus?
• Jesus neither avoided nor focused on her sin issues. The issue was not that she had had several husbands and the man she was living with was not her husband. That was merely the result of her desperate search for soul satisfaction. The issue was that Jesus had something that would permanently meet those deepest needs that had been left unsatisfied in spite of her best efforts. Am I rendered useless to reveal Jesus to others due to my inability to move past the sin (either by ignoring it or by getting stuck on it) and address the real issue?
In this day of seemingly increasing polarizations of “us” and “them”, shouldn’t the majority of our efforts toward unbelievers be centered on “Him” – revealing Jesus to others? Why do we seem to be failing miserably at this mission?
• Do we look?
• Do we get caught by divisive issues bait?
• Do we get stuck on sin instead of addressing the true need?
• Or do we reveal Jesus?
Follow Jesus, plus nothing.
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